“Old is Gold” is a very known and familar proverb to all of us. So I have done a research about how to get traffic to old blog posts. Follow the steps below to get traffic to old blog posts.
Share the posts:
One of the easiest way to get traffic to old blog posts is to share the post to Social Networking Sites (SNS) like Twitter, Facebook, Reditt, Stumble Upon, LinkedIn, Posterous etc.
You may also use services like OnlyWire to share posts to Social Networking Sites at one click.
Republish the old posts:
You can republish popular old posts but make sure the posts are at least 6 months old.
Warning: If you republish a blog post then the date associated with it will be updated but the dates for its comments will remain the same. In this case it’s possible to have comments with a date that is older than the blog post’s date.
This may confuse your readers. To avoid this from happening you can put a line at the top of the blog post that says:
This may confuse your readers. To avoid this from happening you can put a line at the top of the blog post that says:
This was originally published on {date}.
Send periodic emails to your blog readers:
Create a mailing list and send periodic emails to the readers of your blog. Try to keep the email as short as possible. Add a link to one of the older blog posts.
Example of an email:
Get Google Plus Invitations at Best Tips For Blogging.
Hello {Name},
Do you want a Google Plus Invite from me? If yes, follow the link below:
Best Tips For Blogging.
Best Tips For Blogging.
Create a Directory of the posts:
You can make a directory of all the popular posts and sort them into categories.
Place a link for the directory on your homepage. The directory won’t do any good if no one can access it.
Add Related Posts:
You can add the Related Posts below each of your blog post. It can drive traffic to other posts of your blog.
Guest Blogging:
If your site is new and you need a quick start, Guest Blogging is really effective. Submit Guest post to other blogs and add a link to one of your old blog posts.
Do you think that I missed some tips? If yes, then please let me know via comments.