Show post title first at search engine results.

You might have noticed that at the search engine results page, your blog title appears first followed by your post title. It does not seem to be good and cool. To solve the problem, we got you a cool trick that shows your post title first following by your blog title. This code is provided by Archit. To commence this trick, follow the instructions below.
Go to -> Dashboard -> Design -> Edit HTML and search for the code below.
If you didn’t find the code above, search for this instead.
Now, replace the code which you found with the code below.

<data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/>
Save your template and enjoy!
Before the Hack (snapshot) :
After the Hack (snapshot) :
WordPress Self hosted Blog owners, please visit this article for more information about aplugin which allows setting post title, page title, category title formats which appear insearch engine results.