It is very fuuny virus which will remove the all desktop icons and victim won’t able to open the application by clicking on the desktop Shortcut icons.
1>Close all the windows and Press Print screen Button.
2>open Paint and paste here by simply press Ctrl + V.
3>save the image as test.bmp
4>Change the Desktop Background as test.bmp by double click on test.bmp, right click and set as desktop background .
5>Open Notepad and Paste below code
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
and save it as virus.bat
5>Double click on the virus.bat
6>It will Remove the all Desktop icons and Taskbar aslo.
Enjoy friends……
Solution of this virus is Just open taskmanager by Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete
and click on File-New Task and write Explorer.exe and Press Enter.