Freeze Someone Desktop through Virus

It is very fuuny virus which will remove the all desktop icons and victim won’t able to open the application by clicking on the desktop Shortcut  icons.
1>Close all the windows and Press Print screen Button.
2>open Paint and paste here by simply press Ctrl + V.
3>save the image as test.bmp
4>Change the Desktop Background as test.bmp by double click on test.bmp, right click and set as desktop background .
5>Open Notepad and Paste below code
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
and save it as virus.bat
5>Double click on the virus.bat
6>It will Remove the all Desktop icons and Taskbar aslo.
Enjoy friends……

Solution of this virus is Just open taskmanager by Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete
and click on File-New Task and write Explorer.exe and Press Enter.